Thursday, April 30, 2009

Holding people accountable in government

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Bet you won't hear this from the mainstream media. Cong. Barney Frank's (D-MA) former staffer now works as a lobbyist for what company... time's up. Try GOLDMAN SACHS, one of the large Wall Street banks that led to the crumble of Sept 2008. Oh, and doesn't Frank work very closely with anks such as that when making recommendations as the senior House Financial Services Committee. And you're telling me politicians aren't in bed with the exact entities they are sworn to have ethical standards with? Jesus... if our country crumbles like that of the Romans under the weight of over-stretching itself and corruption, we have no one to blame but us, America.

Don't believe me? Here's the story.

Sometimes don't you wish God himself would discend from the Heavens and flood the halls of Congress, giving America the chance to begin anew with fresh, UNCORRUPT blood. It would be a nice change of pace to actually have people that care about those that elected them than those who are more concerned with lining their own pockets. Hence the reason Arlen Spector crossed over to the Democrat Party, knowing full well he would have lost a GOP primary, to save his own skill, he crossed party lines, probably making a deal with the Devil to keep his senate seat. Pennsylvania, you sure do know how to pick them. How did we ever make it through a Constitutional Convention?

Stand up Pennsylvania... take your damn state back!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Those in gov't want to tax you based on how much you drive

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

The headline is true, folks ... Rep. James Oberstar, a Democrat from Minnesota, is demanding action to implement a mileage-based taxation on all Americans to shore up the lack of taxation through traditional gas tax because of more hybrid vehicles coming on line and the increase in the price of petrol.

The catch? The government gets to put a GPS monitored microchip in your car and bill you for your road usage. I don't know about you, but Uncle Sam isn't coming anywhere near my Mustang. Maybe if government stopped wasting money on bailing out banks and controlling private enterprise, like General Motors and Chrysler, they could help fund some of our road weariness.

And the best part? The representative from Minn doesn't even want a pilot program to establish a mileage-based tax's feasibility ... he says, and I quote, "Why do we need a pilot program? Why don't we just phase it in?"

He wants this here in two years.

Read for your self here ... if they even go near my car, I'll run 'em down.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The United States of America is now the majority shareholder of "Gov't Motors"

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

From the Financial Times ...

A new debt swap plan proposed by General Motors would put the U.S. taxpayers (you and me) as the majority stakeholders in the future of the ailing car company (that's an understatement).

I DON'T EVEN LIKE GM!! WTF... one year from now, the unions will be sitting fat, dumb and happy like they always have (see building piss-poor cars), GM upper-level management will have left the company knowing they secured themselves a little bit more time for a golden parachute and you and I will be left with piece of shit cars coming out of Detriot.

Folks... wake up!! I've been saying wake up in almost every post lately... this is AMERICA! Companies rise and fall everyday! I could care less of how big it is... we dust ourselves off and go back to the drawing board... we don't SOCIALIZE an entire industry. This is treasonous!!! This government is being ran by turncoats! We used to run them out of the country if my history serves me correctly.

Here's the story... begin weeping now

Monday, April 27, 2009

TARP has expanded 3 TIMES OVER!

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

A recent report from the Special Inspector General for the TARP program has some startling news out. On April 21, a little-known IG report was released revealing what many of us have known all along ... the TARP money has gotten out of the control!!! The Federal Reserve, money-grubbing lunatics on Capital Hill have gone too far!!

According to the blog covering this, entitled, "The Inspector General's report documents the stunning and at least partly illegal expansion of TARP from the $700 billion originally allocated by Congress to what is now a $3 trillion complex of programs. This chart shows the various programs that are now included within SIGTARP's oversight, and how they have expanded from the initial $700 billion. Note that some of the programs are still incipient; $3 trillion is by no means a final number."

Here's the link to the overall IG report: click here

THIS IS INSANITY!! They are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes! FIGHT... take back out country and our hard-earned tax money before it's too late!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Standing up for the good guys... rejecting stimulus money

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

This posting caught my eye. In Warren County, Ohio, politicians are strictly rejecting the stimulus funds, pushing them back to the Obama Administration. And might I add, a colorful push back at that.

In the words of County Commissioner Mike Kilburn, "I'll let Warren County go broke before taking any of Obama's filthy money."

WHOA! Now that's some harsh language more people would use in rejection of the money that was approved in a more than 1,000 page document that congressmen and senators had 10 HOURS to review before voting on. 10 freaking hours!! Are you serious!! Most people don't buy homes in 10 hours, let alone throw out $787 BILLION in our taxmoney! And it's our money!! These politicians think they can do whatever the hell they want with OUR money! And yet, scandal after scandal with both Republicans and Democrats... when are we going to learn.

Definitely read this article and this Ohio county's rejection of the Obama America makeover tour 2009.

Click here

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So do we or do we NOT uphold our immigration laws?

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

It seems like a no-brainer to me; we have a Constitution, we have rules and laws each of us obey and we all know there are consequences for breaking or not following those laws.

By Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano must live in an alternate dimension. During an interview with CNN's John King this past weekend, the secretary had this to say on illegal immigration:

"What we have to do is target the real evil-doers in this business, the employers who consistently hire illegal labor, the human traffickers who are exploiting human misery. And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well."

Ok, you read that right, right? It's not a crime, per sa, it's a civil situation when illegal aliens cross the border. And she clearly said "most of that is civil." ARE YOU SERIOUS? Do these people live in a warped society ruled by the Wizard of Oz with unicorns as the main transportation source? Jesus... we are driving right off a cliff into Janet's old Grand Canyon territory (watch out for illegals in the canyon below). As reported by the National Review, here's a little reminder for those out there "confused" about our federal law:

Section 1325 of the federal immigration laws (Title 8, U.S. Code), makes it a misdemeanor on a first offense and a felony thereafter

I don't make it up... I really think these politicians just make stuff up as they go. Or whatever the latest poll says.

You be the judge... oh wait, you can't because it's FEDERAL LAW! ... read here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do you consider us an "unhinged mob?' New Hampshire does

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

I'm glad the Democratic Party chairman of New Hampshire can weigh in on the Tea Parties, especially the ones in his state! Of course, knowing the disarray of the Democratic Party these days, going away from traditional values of its "for the people" party to the far left, George Soros-funded crazies that dominate politics on the West Coast, I guess I'm not too surprised.

Here's the video!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Florida House 'dives' into tax warfare

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

It's almost scary to open up the net anymore without seeing some sort of government levy MORE taxes on people. I don't care how you feel about those who can afford yachts and planes, but those folks (more than likely business owners... or drug dealers... hey, it's Florida) are having an unfair tax placed on them because they were successful in life. What about the companies that build and service those yachts and planes? If less people buy these items because of the increased taxation, is the Florida House prepared to "bailout" those workers. Its like the crazies are running the asylum.

Well, here's the story. Cry... right... now.

With the bad comes the good ... THE GOOD POST!

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

You know, I truly am not a "doom and gloom" kind of guy. I believe strongly that good will always triumph over evil, no matter the cost. But how can you tell what is truly good without its evil counterpart to balance it and, more importantly, define what good is.

Without diving to far into that, I will occasionally post what I'd like to affectionately call "THE GOOD POST."This week's good post (man I sure hope I can keep this going once a month) centers around two areas:

1. We have been given our own digital "fist pump" (see Obama handshakes) by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Tea Party folks for exposing a story in the Tea Party circles on John Murtha, Mr. Pork Barrel extordinaire. Here's their kind-worded e-mail to us after we sent them the information:

"Nice work, Colorado Springs. Now, I'm wondering why we've never heard about it here in NEPA (That's Northeastern Pennsylvania.) FYI, our Tea Party in Stroudsburg, PA had a turnout of 454 documented attendees, in a county of 150,000. Now, we're hoping to connect up w/ the local Republican committee for a 4th of July event. Mike Avery "

Nice words, huh? Here's the power of the 'Net folks... connecting people time zones across for the better of the country. In the words of the crazies at MSNBC, "it's like a tingle up my leg."

2. I don't normally like to inject myself into this conversation too much, but this is an awesome thing that only happens to you once in your life. My girlfriend Lindsey of 14 months has agreed to marry me. I proposed at her parent's house in Denver last night after she thought I was at work in C-Springs. While I'm not the easiest guy to live with, I am definitely the happiest man on Earth tonight (with the exception of those guys leaving Iraq/Afghanistan to come home stateside... I would imagine that's just as awesome).

I leave you with this quote from one of my favorite movies Captain Corelli's Mandalin:
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."

John Kerry to hold hearings on newspaper industry -- there goes "freedom of the press"

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

I don't care who you are, the government getting involved with the press is NO BUENO!!! There has been a lot of talk in Congress, including action by Maryland Democrat Benjamin Cardin, to offer a bailout, known as the "Newspaper Revitalization Act of 2009" for the newspaper industry. Can you image newspapers being given taxpayer money to survive on when they back things the majority of taxpayers don't agree with? And now it's going one step further with Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) introducing hearings on the state of the newspaper industry. As if we need to waste our taxmoney on this type of hearing. Here's the story from The Boston Globe (yes, this is Kerry's hometown newspaper... these people are disgusting ... click here.

You wanna talk about Change we can believe in? Let's think about this for a minute. The advent of the internet, with its ability to produce on-the-spot news and information is the information revolution of the ages. Much like the telegraph of the late 1800s, which sent information across wires and across the country for the first time, was a revolution in information, the World Wide Web produces blogs, Web-based news with instantaneous interaction by the reader and lightning connection between two people half a world away. Even this blog, in a newspaper, would first be vetted by the paper to see if they would print it. And even if the gatekeeper of the paper decided it would run, it wouldn't run until their choosing.

The Web gives every person their say and an outlet for their ideas and opinions. If anything, the Web makes the idea of a true democracy that much more closer. The newspaper, like the carrier pigeon before it, will die out. As technology progresses, the old and defunct goes away (newspapers) so the new and timely can replace it (the internet). The problem is that some papers, especially with their political leanings, are entrenched with the powerful, including politicians. This is not the watchdog media we need to look after government. You know what I say? LET THEM DIE. It's a shame the Rocky Mountain News died, it really is, but it's just reality setting in. If you can't give the people what they want (timely, up to the minute news and information) then you are doomed for death. The Colorado Springs Gazette here remains pretty robust on the ole' circulation. But why? This region, mainly, is dominated by retires, especially military retires. They like hard copy newspaper... but today's plugged in Americans rarely crack one open. Why? Because they have probably already read the information hours before!

I have one paper subscription ... the Wall Street Journal. I like to invest and day trade and the Journal has a ton of useful information, some of which can't be found on the Web site.

Be on the lookout folks... the powers at be, including Pelosi, may push to have their hometown newspapers bailed out. Are you ready to stand up to them?

UPDATE: The Washington Times reports ... click here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Obama's campaign manager says our Tea party movement is 'unhealthy'

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

On April 19's "Face the Nation" program on CBS, David Axelrod, President Obama's campaign manager and now-gopher within the administration said something that will ultimately piss you off. He said (or in CNN speak -- suggested) the Tea Party movement is an unhealthy reaction to the tough economic climate facing the nation.

Axelrod then backtracked, according to the rest of the reporting, when asked whether the movement itself was unhealthy. In his words, "Well, this is a country where we value our liberties and our ability to express ourselves, and so far these are expressions." He wouldn't come out and say whether he agrees or disagrees. See, this is the Washington doublespeak (see George Orwell's 1984) both parties are to blame for. You can never get an answer out of the powerful in Washington, thus the Tea Parties, for better or for worse, exist to keep people like David Axelrod in check.

Steaming mad? Like hell I am! Click here for the story.

'Jack' of all trades: John Murtha keeps local quiet airport FULLY funded

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

John Murtha. What a character. How does a decorated Vietnam War Marine end up being one of the biggest pork barrel project spenders on the country? What a waste of space I tell you. And to prove it, take a look at this Washington Post article dated Sunday, April 19, talking about the $200 million in federal funds it received over the last decade (that's on average $20 million a year for those counting) for an airport that has THREE flights a day, all to Washington D.C. Must be those flights to help those lobbyists get to and from K-Street in D.C. to continue to buy John Murtha. Don't believe me? The FBI is investigating his ties to defense contractor lobbyists and the donations they have given to his campaign. He single-handily brings in more money to his district through earmark allocations than any other Congressman or woman in the Congress.

And they want to know why we have Tea Party protests... there are more TSA workers at this airport than travelers! Down with wasteful government spending... down with John Murtha!

Here's the story. Click here

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Old Joe "McGaffe" Biden to be in our backyard

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Looks like Vice President Joe Biden is heading to the US Air Force Academy this May to see our best and brightest accept their degree certificates and their commission as second lieutenants into the U.S. Air Force.

Click here for the story from the Gazette.

Hopefully when traveling to the Air Force Academy, ole' Joe will refrain from telling his famous Afghanistan war story about how his helicopter was forced down by enemy fire with three-star general and senators aboard. Because the true story was that his military helicopter was forced to land due to bad weather that rolled in at the last second. About 30-45 minutes later, a military convey picked them up and escorted them to Bagram Air Base in Afghan. Ahhh... ole' Joe looking to be a war hero. We don't need Joe, his $1 million earmark for a children's museum, $1 million for an opera house renovation project and the list in Delaware goes on (believe it or not, that information was reported on by CNN during the 2008 election). Here's one of the old, corrupt Washingtonites we DONT need.

CNN outs itself

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Lot’s of postings tonight, I know, but they sure are worth it. This is DEFINITELY reposting... a big thanks to for capturing this video. Basically folks, after that CNN interview from the Chicago Tea Party you all saw, this is what you DIDN’T see when the CNN camera was turned off.

The only thing I can say is... why wasn’t I there to be a part of such a wonderful occasion ;-) Too bad... CNN, the network I remember from the first Persian Gulf War with Bernard Shaw on the roof of a hotel watching F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighters bomb Baghdad, has truly floated down stream... or down the drain? You make the call :-)

Where next after 'Tea Parties?'

By Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government

I thought this was worth posting to our site... this guy is right on the money as far as focusing the Tea Party movement like a laser beam after the April 15 protests. This was reposted from

It was a great day!  While the controlled-media did everything in its power to ignore or ridicule the hundreds of Tea Parties across America, their disdain was only matched by ours for them.  They had no effect.

But now that April 15 has come and gone, all of us are faced with essential question; where from here?

Individuals proved they have the ability to pull off important events.  Average citizens have shown they are more than capable of taking action.  Now the challenge is to have the seeds that were planted yesterday sprout and begin to grow into a true movement that will take back the country.

There will be no end to the plans and suggestions.  Politicians, no matter how good their intentions, will want to capture the energy unleashed for their own personal purposes.  This needs to be avoided.  The second the Tea Party Movement becomes an adjunct of any politician, it is dead.  There will be national organizations that want to harness the movement and claim it as their own.  This is a sure fire way to irrelevance.

And, there will be countless number of people looking to turn the entire affair into a “business opportunity”.  These folks should be avoided at all costs.

The true power of the effort, the true potential of the Tea Parties, lies with the local organizers, the local people who showed up, the local focus.  That cannot be given up for 30 pieces of silver or a handful of magic beans.

But the issue remains, how is yesterday turned into something that can grow and prepare to restore Constitutional government?  The answer I believe is to seek out those things that can be done on a local level, to benefit local citizens and begin the hard work of actually doing them.

American Majority has excellent training programs that can assist local leaders find and elect right-thinking people to local governments.  What can local officials do?  Plenty.  Local officials can demonstrate what happens when taxes are reduced and government spending is cut to the bone.  They can openly resist the imposition of the Federal government and force the courts to better define and reinstitute real separation of powers.  And, they become the farm team, the generation of candidates that will run America when the current regime is but a bad memory.

We, at Americans for Limited Government, stand ready to assist with information on local initiative rules and opportunities – proposals that shut done the illicit “pay to play” scams, reassert real property rights, term limits, tax limitation and a host  of others.  It is not for us to decide what you do but we can supply ideas, background research and extensive experience on how to implement the ideas the local units want to pursue.

Eric Hofer wrote, “All great movements start as a cause, evolve into a business and end up a racket.”  It is up to each of us individually to keep the movement a cause, a calling to the higher goal of the restoration of Constitutional government.  And it is up to each of us to not allow the movement to sink into the same black hole of “racket” that has plagued the GOP and brought us to where we are today.

They want us gone, but we hang out with them

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Sometimes I really wish I made this stuff up. But there’s your proof right above. Our president, President Barack Obama, giving a soul clasp or whatever to Hugo Chavez, the man who has homosexuals arrested on the spot and is turning his country into a socialist regime, modeled right after the failed state of Cuba. Ok, one more time, OUR PRESIDENT IS MEETING WITH A DESPOT AND A DICTATOR.

Yes, the chickens are totally coming home to roost. Check out the Reuters story on him “buddying up” to Chavez at the Organization of American States meeting in Trinadad/Tobago. The man on the right is power hungry within his country, and doesn’t care what Democratic institutions he takes down. The man on the left is naive... and I hope God shines down on him and helps him see the light of common sense. Interesting side note ... when Hugo Chavez visited Iran in 2006, in Arabic, said God willing, the U.S. will be finished in the near future. When does this madness end... how statesman is it to buddy up to a guy like this. No wonder Jimmy Carter was a one-term, lame ass president... I wasn’t even born then, but even I KNOW the late 1970s sucked!


And here come's Hollywood!

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

I guess it’s not really a surprise to most people that actors and actresses in Hollywood (yes, people who get paid for a living to pretend to be something they aren’t) come out against the Tea Party movement. And one of the far left-wing’s biggest darlings, Janeane Garofalo (see dictionary for idiotic twit) came out against the Tea Party movement, calling folks a part of the tea parties “ a bunch of tea-bagging rednecks” and “this is about hating a black man in the White House ... this is racism straight up.”

Don’t believe me? I wish it wasn’t true, but here’s the link to For shame, for shame Janeane. BTW, thanks for the video YouTube.


Now HERE'S something to throw into a harbor

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Holy cow!!! For those that smoke, and you know who you are (cigar smoker myself), it must be just outrageous how much you are spending on cigarettes in the midst of an outrageous amount of taxation on a private company’s product. I don’t care what the health setbacks are caused by smoking (although i do care about second hand smoke), but I am a firm believer this is America and you have the right to go out and smoke cigarettes to your heart’s content. Well, now that they have taxed cigarettes as far as they can, what do they turn to? You guess it... sodas.

Jesus, wake up folks! The nanny state is not near, IT’S HERE! If you want a Pepsi at the movie theater to go along with your popcorn, why the hell should it be taxed? It’s your decision to make the purchase of a surgery drink. Government, TAX THE LEGISLATURES AND MAKE THEM PAY MORE! Here’s the story from Clearly another case of the New England/Harvard/Yale/Stanford socialites dictating to Americans what they should and should not be doing:

Taxing Sugared Beverages: Good for Health or Too Much Big Brother?
New Proposal Could Sweeten Tax Revenues, Waistlines
Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity

April 8, 2009— As with every disaster, the state of our economy highlights opportunities for good health and risks of doing more damage.
Desperate for revenue, states are considering taxes on sugared beverages, those drinks with added sugar, high fructose corn syrup or other caloric sweeteners.
Forty states now have taxes on soft drinks or snack foods, all too small to affect consumer decisions. But bigger changes may be on the way with recent proposals, most notably an 18 percent tax on sugared beverages put forward by the governor of New York.
Nobody likes the idea of more taxes, so the bar must be set high to consider such action, particularly given the strenuous objections of the beverage industry.
The first question is, "Why pick on sugared beverages?" There are many contributors to ill health (genes, environment, physical inactivity and more). Even considering foods leaves many possibilities; fast food and snack foods would be examples.
Enter the science: Sugared beverages, more than any other category of food, have been shown time and again to be linked with poor diet overall and to risk for obesity and diabetes. Most of the studies that do not make this link are funded by the beverage or sugar industries. Recent studies show that lowering soft drink consumption leads to healthier weights.
Upward Trend in Sweet Beverage Consumption
In the 1970s, the average American consumed 70 calories per day from sweetened drinks, rising to 141 calories in the 1990s and 190 calories as this century began. Sugared beverages now account for 10 to 15 percent of all calories consumed by children and adolescents.
There is no sign that these additional calories are being offset by changes people make elsewhere in their diets. Studies show that people compensate less well in subsequent meals when extra calories are consumed in liquid than in solid foods, so there does seem something special about sugar in beverages. A study of children by researchers at the Harvard Medical School found that with each additional serving of sugared beverage consumer per day, the likelihood of obesity rose by 60 percent.
Sugared Beverages a Good Place to Start on Obesity
For these reasons, nutrition experts argue that the very high consumption of sugared beverages is a logical place to address the toll that chronic diseases take on the country. Obesity, which is only one of many diseases affected by poor diet, carries massive health care costs ($79 billion annually), about half of which are covered by Medicare and Medicaid. Furthermore, these estimates do not include the cost to society of lost work days, diminished school performance and even the fitness of military recruits.
The Case for New Taxes
Would taxes help? Certainly they have with tobacco; smoking in the U.S. has declined dramatically, and high taxes have been established as the top driver. Economic studies on soft drinks show that a 15 percent tax on sugared beverages should drop consumption by 12 to 15 percent, and higher taxes would have stronger effects. This is enough to make a real difference to the public's health.
If the government were to create educational programs with this goal in mind, billions could be spent and the goal might never be achieved. A tax would generate revenue, and a lot of it. A penny per ounce tax in New York state alone would raise $1.2 billion annually.
It is common to think of sales taxes, but these have several disadvantages. One is that consumers do not see the increased price on the shelf and the other is that it encourages consumers to buy large containers (because the cost per ounce is lower, the tax per ounce is lower). An excise tax of a penny per ounce would be better.
Polls show that consumer support for taxes varies, depending on how the issue is presented. Support can be as low as 37 percent if a "fat tax" or "obesity tax" is suggested in isolation. A recent poll in New York state found that 52 percent of consumers were in favor of a soda tax, but the number rose considerably -- to 72 percent -- if the revenue generated by the tax would be used for obesity prevention programs for children and adults.
Great Need for Sugared Beverage Tax
The idea of taxing sugared beverages is highly controversial but is probably here to stay. The need for revenue and to control health care costs are just too pressing.
Kelly Brownell is director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. This article is based in part on an article written by Brownell with Dr. Thomas Frieden, published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.
In a word.. if this becomes mainstream across state legislatures, we’re all the biggest jackasses for letting it happen.

On the radio!

Short one this time. Just wanted everyone to know that Julie (our local Colorado Springs Tax Day TEA Party organizer) will be speaking on 740 AM KVOR the morning of Friday, April 10 with host Richard Randall. Should be an awesome discussion about Wednesday’s upcoming tax day tea party protest! Go Julie!

You can visit KVOR’s Web site by clicking the graphic above.

Red County wants to help

I know it’s been a couple of days since our last post, but wanted to share this e-mail that the Colorado Springs Tax Day TEA Party organization received from the Web site, a conservative-leaning blogosphere. You can click on the link to take them to your site. Enjoy the letter from their webmaster below:

Dear Tea Party Organizer, 

April 15th will be a tax day like no other in our nation’s history. Because of your hard work and commitment to the cause of liberty, the masses will be heard.

Many Red County contributors are taking part in the Tea Parties around the country, and we will be making a big push to provide our readers with information on these events as they approach.

If you are a blogger and would like some extra exposure for your event, please consider taking advantage of our platform to bring as many people to your Tea Party as possible.

Red County is a center-right media organization committed to the principles of limited government. We administer a nationwide network of political blogs focused on grassroots, local level politics. One of our primary goals is to bring attention to our governments out of control spending habits, expose those who are responsible for this misguided policy, and support those who work to curb the role of government in our lives.

We have readers, you’re looking for attendees—hopefully there’s a fit between us. But time is short, so please contact me ASAP to discuss how we might be able to bring more exposure to your event.

TEA party tracker

View Larger Map

WOW! Michelle Malkin’s Web site is just awesome! She has a Google map tracking the tea parties throughout the US.

Click here for her Web site

Take to the airwaves!


Founding Fathers’ Cry is reaching into the blog talk radio sphere to raise awareness on ways to bring our Country back to prosperity.  Our goal is to help inform our listeners and fellow patriots so they will be armed with one of the most powerful tools… knowledge.  The next show is Thursday, April the 2nd from 8pm to 10 pm CST on the Patriot's Heart Broadcasting Network.  The website url for the show is

Ray will provide the evening’s monologue, announcements, and breaking news.  During the first hour, he will be joined by Rosanna Pulido.  Pulido is running for the Congressional seat recently vacated by Rahm Emanuel; the election for the 5th District Illinois seat is on April the 7th.  Rosanna is a candidate with outstanding moral character who supports strong border enforcement, defending police officers, conservative family values, and transparency in government.  Information on Rosanna, her advocacy history, and political stances can be found on her website:   In the second hour, Gen & Rowdy will join the show and be discussing the upcoming Tax Day Tea Party protest
rallies.  We will be discussing current events and legislative proposals. Questions and comments from callers are welcome as well as questions from the chat room.

Founding Fathers Cry is a Government Watch Group.  The board members are dedicated to researching and pooling information for public education.  The website hosted,, includes lists of organizations, governments websites, and other watch groups for researching information, as well as discussion forums.  Find and organize your local events on the forums.  There are open and ongoing discussion on the each branch of the U.S. Government, the health of the U.S., state legislation, grass-roots activism and protest rallies, and much more.


9 pm EST
8 pm CST
7 pm MST
6 pm PST

HINT: You can click on the banner graphic to go right to their Web site!

The Wall Street Journal's take on nixing bailouts, using Chapter 11

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Wow, I couldn’t find anything better to sum up the hypocrisy of this entire bailout business. I’m content on just believing the bailout is targeted to strong union support for Democrats and with Dems in power, why not protect the hand that feeds my election?
I recently ran across this Wall Street Journal op-ed by William McGurn, who works at News Corp. While I think News Corp certainly has its political leanings to the right, I can DEFINITELY see the left protecting their own... a power UAW ally that, oh, might disappear if the government didn’t keep them going. So here’s the excerpt from Mr. McGurn’s op-ed I think you should pay attention to:
Lost in the current debate seems to be any reference to other men and women who work just as hard for their money, who have either lost their jobs or face the prospect of losing their jobs, and whose families are also suffering in this recession.
Here are just a few of them:
- Mom and pop shops, and their employees. All along the small-town shopping district in my New Jersey community, "for rent" signs are popping up where someone's dream businesses once stood. The workers in these enterprises paid their taxes like everyone else, and they now face the same struggles that laid-off autoworkers in the Midwest do. And they might ask: Are their counterparts at GM and Chrysler more deserving of a bailout simply because they work for larger companies?
- Americans working in U.S.-based auto plants owned and operated by foreign companies. These auto makers have also been hit by the recession, and some are laying off American workers or putting their American expansion plans on hold. Still, these car companies generally operate from a more competitive cost structure, and they have been gaining market share because they are building cars that more Americans want to buy at prices we are willing to pay. Why should these workers, who generally receive lower wages than their Big Three counterparts, see their tax dollars go to bail out their competitors?
- American shareholders who have invested in these successful auto companies. When investors buy stock in an enterprise, they do so based on their read of the economic environment. Those who have invested in foreign auto makers have done so on the rational basis that these companies have a competitive model that offers them a chance for profit. How fair is it for the government to come in now, tilt the playing field, and diminish the value of their investments by propping up their less successful competitors?
- The American taxpayer. It's one thing for the government to intervene to prevent a panic from spreading. There's even an argument for providing loans to tide companies over until they have worked out their restructuring, or prepared a plan to enter Chapter 11 in a way that will avoid complete liquidation. The president was right to talk about the contribution America's auto giants have made to a thriving middle class. But should we be bailing out GM and Chrysler because they are an important "emblem of the American spirit"?
- Finally, the GM and Chrysler workers themselves. Plainly, whatever company emerges from this turmoil will have fewer employees working for more sensible wages and fewer Cadillac-style benefits. Right now the argument has been that no one will buy cars from a company that files for bankruptcy. But if you had to bet, which offers the best chance for a brighter upside: a company that restructured under Chapter 11 or one restructured with the help of Congress and the White House?

When does bailout fatigue start again?

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

So when does bailout fatigue start again?

Holy cow, it’s happening all over again and we’re just watching it go by like a maple leaf in the wind. Billions and billions more to GM and Chrysler. And, now the federal government has the ability to tell manufacturing companies who will lead the company and who its board of directors will be.

Now, in most cases when a company restructures under Chapter 11 bankruptcy laws, the new firm coming in to fund the company (traditionally a big Wall Street bank or financier) gets to decide who stays and who goes. Now in this case we are in VERY murky water. The U.S. taxpayer is now the financier, and it gets to make decisions for the industry. Wait a sec... the government is directing the actions of a private industry. Folks, if you haven’t opened your eyes yet, that is in it’s very basic form SOCIALISM!

In 1981, after Pres. Ronald Reagan took the highest office in the land with unemployment numbers past the double digit mark and an inflation rate that would stagger the mind today, did Reagan come in and bailout the companies struggling to get by? Did he bailout U.S. Steel as it struggled to survive in the gray cityscape of Pittsburgh? No...Reagan simply did this: he believed in the American people and that government was not the solution to our problems, rather, government is the problem.

I have news for you.. it’s okay to go into a Recession. It happens all the time in our cycle of capitalism. Do we all think it’s gumdrops, rainbows and unicorns all the time? Our successes are successes because of the failures they overcame. Every time we experience a setback in our Nation, we confront it head on (abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage and the Civil Rights movement) and come out stronger than before. There is never a need for a government handout... Americans aren’t controlled by any force; no, for each and everyone of us we are the products of a manifest destiny. I mean, we have private industry beginning a space tourism business. WE... AMERICANS! Only in our great Nation could we ever achieve such wonderment.

No, America does not need a bailout.... Government should step aside (lower taxation, proper regulation of the markets, keep the trains on time, make sure we have good roads and a good defense then GET OUT OF THE WAY!) The more and more control we succeed to government, we will truly be owned by the system. That’s like bringing a lion out of the jungle and into captivity. The spirit, the will dies a slow death. Until the lion is nothing more than a walking zombie, only a glimpse of its former self. I for one, as you, will never accept this.

Enough is enough!

By Donna Miller, Colorado Springs

Fellow Patriots, we are losing our country and all the values and leadership our Forefathers worked so hard to implement, not only in the U.S. Constitution, but in the very hearts, minds, and culture of the American People! The Obama Stimulus, Omnibus, and Budget are borrowing or printing an unprecedented amount of money. It is the largest giveaway in American history. Whatever happened to the famous Smith Barney phrase, “WE MAKE MONEY THE OLD FASHIONED WAY, WE EARN IT?” Even the Congressional Budget Office says that the Stimulus Bill will create few jobs in 2009 and 2010, but will, instead, cause dangerously high levels of inflation as the Federal Government writes blank checks that our children and grandchildren will have to repay? Not only will the current administration’s policies, enormous spending, and excessive “PORK” drive us into a recession and fail to create jobs, but will also de-motivate people to even “seek” jobs which, historically, has been a large part of our American heritage. Our Forefather’s values have long been at the heart of the Republican’s Party’s mission, so let’s stand up and take back our country! Let’s re-establish strong LEADERSHIP and INTEGRITY in the nation’s highest office, and the time is “NOW”.
Donna L. Miller, M.A.
Colorado Springs Tea Party Organizer

My letter to Congressman Lamborn

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Just sent this letter over to Congressman Lamborn’s office. If I don’t hear back within 48-72 hours, someone’s going to get a house call!


Cong. Lamborn,

Greetings from the Colorado Springs Tax Day Tea Party organization. As I am sure you and your staffers are aware, this national movement is expected to draw approximately 780 protests at once at High Noon on 15 April (tax day, of course). We would like to invite you out to speak to our organization as well as local Colorado Springs citizens that we expect out for the event. Our goal is simple: bring sanity back to Congress by holding our representatives in government accountable for the massive increases in spending that we and traditional Americans feel will ultimately led to the bankruptcy of our country, and thus, we will be the last prosperous generation our Nation will ever see. We believe it is vitally important for our elected representatives, including yourself, to show their solidarity with organizations such as ours that bring to light the travesties of both Republican and Democratic Congresses of now and yesterday that expanded government and spending at a rate not seen in many generations. Will you stand with us Congressman? Will you stand for the rights of Colorado citizens, showing each and every one of us you stand for fiscal discipline and limited government? We look forward to having you out there and we hope the weather will cooperate. We have also sent this letter via Twitter and on our site, so each of our members know you have been contacted.


Steve Collier
Colorado Springs Tax Day Tea Party member

Talk about a real tax protest!

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Not sure if you all have been following the news out of Chicago, but take a look at this report from the Web site

As teams of LAZ Parking’s employees have slowly, but quite surely, canvas the city, changing the parking meters to their new, much higher rates, another movement seems to be blossoming as a reaction to these changes.
At first, it seemed just random or coincidence when a broken meter was spotted. There’s no big surprise in finding a broken meter in Chicago–they’re everywhere.
But the number of broken meters seemed to be increasing and e-mails and comments began pouring into this website with tips, along with bits and pieces of information. Websites with very strident points of view have popped up over the past few weeks advocating everything from as simple as a boycott, to using pennies or nickels to fill up the meters to capacity and render them inoperable–at least temporarily.
An entire block of parking meters, numbering nearly 20, were spotted along west Irving Park in the Albany Park neighborhood, that had both the front and back of their heads spray painted black. Once spray painted, these meters are unreadable by Parking  Enforcement Aides and therefore, vehicles can’t be ticketed as it’s impossible to see if the meters were fed or not.
LAZ Parking’s new decals have been removed in a concerted effort along Lincoln Ave. and other streets in the Lakeview neighborhood, leaving long stretches of meters without any instructions on how and when to feed the meters. This leaves the meter without the proper information required by law to be an operational parking meter. A motorist could easily contest any expired meter ticket on these meters because it doesn’t exhibit the proper information.
One tipster named Brian says, “In some cases, these decals just peel right off the front of the meter with little or no effort. When these stickers were originally applied, the weather was very cold and it seems the adhesive didn’t adhere correctly. These stickers just come right off. They also appear to be too big to fit into the recessed area they are being placed in. Yet another case of someone in charge not knowing what they are doing.”

Why I am participating in the TEA Party Movement

By Steve Reinschmidt, Colorado Springs

I've been a Libertarian for the last 20 years and before that I was a Republican. I only rarely agree with Democrats and have been disappointed in so-called conservative Republicans. I have seen government involvement creeping more and more into our lives my entire life. But when it became clear that Barack Obama was the Democratic nominee and was likely to become
our next president I started reading all I could about him. It became clear to me that he had a very Marxist point of view. Now he is our president and along with the Pelosi-Reid Congress, government growth has gone into high gear. The spending can only be sustained by massive crushing taxation. This taxation will be both direct and indirect through the printing of money
(which is worse since it taxes the nickel right out of your pocket). I also believe that we have yet to see a plethora of new laws and regulations to control our lives. I think the limited constitutional republic this country once was is on the brink of disappearing all together. In fact I believe it is already too late. But if I sit back and do nothing, it will certainly be too late and I will help make it a self fulfilling prophecy. So I'm going to take advantage of this expected back lash and start getting involved. One real easy step to take is to participate in this TEA party movement. I know there are tens of millions of Americans that are deeply concerned about the socialism being thrust upon us and if every one of them attended a TEA party rally on April 15, the main stream media would have to report on it and it would get international coverage. I don't think we can affect Obama, but we can certainly influence Congress. And more importantly we can show the millions of silent, freedom minded people that they are not alone and can
stand up and be heard! That could affect actual change for the better.