Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where next after 'Tea Parties?'

By Bill Wilson, President of Americans for Limited Government

I thought this was worth posting to our site... this guy is right on the money as far as focusing the Tea Party movement like a laser beam after the April 15 protests. This was reposted from

It was a great day!  While the controlled-media did everything in its power to ignore or ridicule the hundreds of Tea Parties across America, their disdain was only matched by ours for them.  They had no effect.

But now that April 15 has come and gone, all of us are faced with essential question; where from here?

Individuals proved they have the ability to pull off important events.  Average citizens have shown they are more than capable of taking action.  Now the challenge is to have the seeds that were planted yesterday sprout and begin to grow into a true movement that will take back the country.

There will be no end to the plans and suggestions.  Politicians, no matter how good their intentions, will want to capture the energy unleashed for their own personal purposes.  This needs to be avoided.  The second the Tea Party Movement becomes an adjunct of any politician, it is dead.  There will be national organizations that want to harness the movement and claim it as their own.  This is a sure fire way to irrelevance.

And, there will be countless number of people looking to turn the entire affair into a “business opportunity”.  These folks should be avoided at all costs.

The true power of the effort, the true potential of the Tea Parties, lies with the local organizers, the local people who showed up, the local focus.  That cannot be given up for 30 pieces of silver or a handful of magic beans.

But the issue remains, how is yesterday turned into something that can grow and prepare to restore Constitutional government?  The answer I believe is to seek out those things that can be done on a local level, to benefit local citizens and begin the hard work of actually doing them.

American Majority has excellent training programs that can assist local leaders find and elect right-thinking people to local governments.  What can local officials do?  Plenty.  Local officials can demonstrate what happens when taxes are reduced and government spending is cut to the bone.  They can openly resist the imposition of the Federal government and force the courts to better define and reinstitute real separation of powers.  And, they become the farm team, the generation of candidates that will run America when the current regime is but a bad memory.

We, at Americans for Limited Government, stand ready to assist with information on local initiative rules and opportunities – proposals that shut done the illicit “pay to play” scams, reassert real property rights, term limits, tax limitation and a host  of others.  It is not for us to decide what you do but we can supply ideas, background research and extensive experience on how to implement the ideas the local units want to pursue.

Eric Hofer wrote, “All great movements start as a cause, evolve into a business and end up a racket.”  It is up to each of us individually to keep the movement a cause, a calling to the higher goal of the restoration of Constitutional government.  And it is up to each of us to not allow the movement to sink into the same black hole of “racket” that has plagued the GOP and brought us to where we are today.

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