Thursday, April 30, 2009

Holding people accountable in government

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Bet you won't hear this from the mainstream media. Cong. Barney Frank's (D-MA) former staffer now works as a lobbyist for what company... time's up. Try GOLDMAN SACHS, one of the large Wall Street banks that led to the crumble of Sept 2008. Oh, and doesn't Frank work very closely with anks such as that when making recommendations as the senior House Financial Services Committee. And you're telling me politicians aren't in bed with the exact entities they are sworn to have ethical standards with? Jesus... if our country crumbles like that of the Romans under the weight of over-stretching itself and corruption, we have no one to blame but us, America.

Don't believe me? Here's the story.

Sometimes don't you wish God himself would discend from the Heavens and flood the halls of Congress, giving America the chance to begin anew with fresh, UNCORRUPT blood. It would be a nice change of pace to actually have people that care about those that elected them than those who are more concerned with lining their own pockets. Hence the reason Arlen Spector crossed over to the Democrat Party, knowing full well he would have lost a GOP primary, to save his own skill, he crossed party lines, probably making a deal with the Devil to keep his senate seat. Pennsylvania, you sure do know how to pick them. How did we ever make it through a Constitutional Convention?

Stand up Pennsylvania... take your damn state back!

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