Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why I am participating in the TEA Party Movement

By Steve Reinschmidt, Colorado Springs

I've been a Libertarian for the last 20 years and before that I was a Republican. I only rarely agree with Democrats and have been disappointed in so-called conservative Republicans. I have seen government involvement creeping more and more into our lives my entire life. But when it became clear that Barack Obama was the Democratic nominee and was likely to become
our next president I started reading all I could about him. It became clear to me that he had a very Marxist point of view. Now he is our president and along with the Pelosi-Reid Congress, government growth has gone into high gear. The spending can only be sustained by massive crushing taxation. This taxation will be both direct and indirect through the printing of money
(which is worse since it taxes the nickel right out of your pocket). I also believe that we have yet to see a plethora of new laws and regulations to control our lives. I think the limited constitutional republic this country once was is on the brink of disappearing all together. In fact I believe it is already too late. But if I sit back and do nothing, it will certainly be too late and I will help make it a self fulfilling prophecy. So I'm going to take advantage of this expected back lash and start getting involved. One real easy step to take is to participate in this TEA party movement. I know there are tens of millions of Americans that are deeply concerned about the socialism being thrust upon us and if every one of them attended a TEA party rally on April 15, the main stream media would have to report on it and it would get international coverage. I don't think we can affect Obama, but we can certainly influence Congress. And more importantly we can show the millions of silent, freedom minded people that they are not alone and can
stand up and be heard! That could affect actual change for the better. 

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