Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are Chrysler dealership closures being cherry picked based upon their owner's campaign contributions?

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

You know folks, we talk a lot about taxation with the TEA Parties. It's obviously important to bring to light the travesties of government of overtaxation ... not only through things like property and sales tax, but the small taxes hiding under the rock, like increased state gasoline taxes, miscellaneous penny taxes they try to pass to "shore up funding" they need... while they refuse to cut spending.

But the TEA Parties also stand for government accountability and returning to a strict interpretation of the Constitution. On that subject, I want you to know about the latest Chrysler information coming from Detroit.

World Net Daily, a conservative-leaning news reporting Web site, is reporting on the more than 700 dealerships getting the axe from the Chrysler bailout/bankruptcy debacle. Of those more than 700 dealerships, WND has learned through their own research that when matching the list of owners of these dealerships versus their political donations, more than 90 percent of the owners gave to Republican candidates. Less than 10 percent gave to either then Senator Clinton, former Senator Edwards and then Senator Obama. 

Yet, many of the most profitable dealerships on the list, which are scheduled for closure over the next two months, are getting the axe. And these profitable dealerships are owned by Republicans.

Here's the story.

Now, I don't know if this is enough evidence. Far from it... it's difficult to tell if there is something fishy going on here. But I would hope that some investigating will get to the bottom of this. I, for one, would like to know the truth on Chrysler's systematic plan for dealership closures. 

There are a lot of people who purchased MOPAR vehicles for their dealerships in the hope of keeping the company alive. After purchasing massive amounts of inventory, which Chrysler, in effect, off loaded, they turned right around and closed a good portion of the dealers. What happens to the cars? After they are closed, they can continue to sell off their inventory, but the popular warranties that usually come with vehicles will no longer be honored by Chrysler. So, who buys a car without a warranty? No one, that's who.

If you want to see the dealer list, it's here.

Folks, I guess my best advice from this column is to be ever mindful of government. Government is still ran by men and women, some of which can and are corrupted. It's sad to think it, but look no further than Sen. Roland Burris from Illinois. He lied to the Illinois Senate committee on the Blago investigation. So, remember, always keep a magnifying glass on them. Because the Chrysler deal, as it continues to unravel, looks like politics, rather than economics, trumped the carmaker's fate.

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