Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chrysler getting MORE money during bankruptcy than they did during bailout

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

These automaker bailouts just make me want to go crazy! After we, the taxpayer (ya know, those hard-working people that work at least 8-5 and pay into the coffers of government) paid $4 billion into Chrysler to keep it afloat, now the government will be extending up to $8 billion in promised funding for Chrysler's bankruptcy deal to ensure the company can remain stable.

Here's the story

Folks, this is UTTER MADNESS! I want to know what the plan is to bailout every American company that is struggling in this economy. It's not our fault leadership of both GM and Chrysler dropped the ball, letting their companies fail. It's not our fault both car manufacturer's unions held a death grip over the company, ensuring prices are jacked up for over-inflated benefits for unionized workers. And it's DEFINITELY not our fault that both car companies can't built vehicles to compete with their foreign counterparts. When does this end? I want to know when senators like Richard Shelby of Alabama are going to hold the Fed's feet to the fire and demand an extension of credit to foreign automakers that built vehicles on U.S. soil... and that, you know, actually are PROFITABLE!

Here's an e-mail message I recently sent to the White House:

"It appears the White House is very interested in dipping its fingers, at the least, into the world of private enterprise (i.e.-Chrysler LLC's bankruptcy filings for 30 April 2009). Based upon this very delicate, tailor-made bankruptcy, what are President Obama's plans to offer this type of government-intervening type of bankruptcy protection for ALL businesses who feel their products won't be purchased by consumers under the guise of "a bankrupt company". And please don't ask Mr. Robert Gibbs to answer... I want a subject matter expert in your admin. I am entitled to answer from someone whose paycheck I finance. From Colorado Springs, CO, Steve Collier"

The real answer is our country shouldn't be bailing out anyone! You want to bailout someone and don't know where to spend that tax money that doesn't even exist? CUT TAXES! Take a paycut Congress, you obviously aren't working hard enough for the paycheck you're getting now (see John Murtha and corruptness // see Diane Feinstein and her sending billions of dollars to her husband's firm). I really wish I made some of this up people, but I'm not. All I can do is educate the masses.

It is YOU that must stand up and let your voice be heard!

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