Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's coming... taxation against... your soft drink?

By Steve Collier, Colorado Springs

Well fellow citizens, the Congress has found yet another way to reach into your pocket book and take more from you. And the scary thing is we talked about this in a blog several weeks ago.

According to the Wall Street Journal, "Senate leaders are considering new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks to help pay for an overhaul of the nation's health-care system."

Folks, if there was ever a time that something needed to be thrown into a harbor, it was now. Can you image the U.S. Congress taxing soda and surgery drinks? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! Think about it... every once in a while, I love to crack open a cold Pepsi, especially from the fountain. People who drink soda know it has sugar. And if you drink it, then you know it's not good for you... but Americans (I think we still have a free country) should be allowed to drink soda into oblivion... where in the Constitution does it give the right to tax drinks to pay for a socialist, government-ran healthcare system. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE PAY THESE PEOPLE ON CAPITAL HILL TO DO!!!

Here's the gist of it all from the WSJ: "... plans to propose a federal excise tax on soda, certain fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks and ready-to-drink teas." A federal excise tax is being proposed. IN-SAN-IT-Y.

And people want to know why the TEA Parties are growing momentum. Because of CRAP like this.

Fight the good fight America... it's coming.

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