Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So what's next... questions from Colorado Springs citizens

By Steve Collier, Stephen Collier

I've been asked many times "so you had a Tea Party.. what's next?" An excellent question.

Some ideas being thrown around (bear with the organization... we just came off the April 15 part a little over two weeks ago ;-)

1) Colorado Springs Town Hall meeting. Let's take it to the people. Let's give you, the citizen, an open forum. Not a Democrat, not a Republican, not a political forum. Just an opportunity to go somewhere, take a microphone and tell your fellow citizens what you like and what you don't like. When's the last time you had the opportunity to address thousands of your fellow citizens at one time to let them know what's on your mind in regards to your community and its direction.

2) July 4th Tea Party. It only seems fitting to have a Tea Party on the founding of our nation. Perhaps on July 3rd, so our families can enjoy Independence Day in a non-political environment. But regardless of how and what we do, our Founding Fathers would want us to take the occasion of our nation's founding to protest a large, central government, out of control spending and eventual taxation (there was no income tax at the founding of our nation), and a perceived inability of America's citizens to hold accountable those elected to office.

3) You name it! You know, we can only think of so many things to do for the Tea Party. We want suggestions. Do we focus on specific legislation? Do we focus on Colorado Springs politics and its leaders? Do we take our movement to the state capital? Should we be focused on federal issues? It's a wide range of issues, but issues YOU should be engaged on. Of course, e-mail us for ideas! We've got some, but we'd rather take into account yours first.

So vote in our poll at the top of the page, e-mail us at coloradospringstaxdayteaparty@gmail.com and stay plugged in to the Tea Party. We promise to make sure you know as quickly as possible what's next on the agenda to take our Nation back!

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